Through specified goals and objectives, our infant program is created to suit the requirements of both infants and families. Each child's strengths are emphasized, and we make the most of every opportunity to teach.
Congrats! The time for travelling and discovering new things has come for your child. Our goal at ELF is to provide a secure and enjoyable atmosphere for your youngster to learn as much as possible.
Consider, ponder, interrogate, and test. Just a handful of the abilities and characteristics that kids in the Waddlers class will learn are listed here. Since the beginning, we have emphasized helping children through all of their developmental phases.
Asking open-ended inquiries at this age is a key component of our philosophy at ELF. What would you like to draw, for example? rather than "Draw this particular thing." Preschoolers spend a large portion of their day expressing themselves creatively and in their own unique ways in order to help them become more independent.
Pre - K
Your child will now learn more about making connections between sounds and letters, the alphabet, numbers, and dates. putting what they have learnt so far together to ensure that your child is prepared for the important next step, kindergarten.